Many things have happened since my last update nearly 13 months ago… this post is somewhat of a review of that timespan and the projects I’ve done, it’ll be a big one. Generating Sysex parameter control in Supercollider for the Wavestation A\DI did end up finding a way to generate Sysex in Supercollider and sequence… Continue reading 2021… SC Sysex, DIY MIDI Interface/Host, Arch Linux, DIY Synth Builds, New Gear, New Studio
Dermaptera, WS A\D, MMT-8
I was recently invited to create a steaming piece for the Wayward in Limbo series presented by Nonsequitur of Seattle. This series is their effort to continue to support artists: With the Chapel closed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wayward Music Series now moves from the concert hall to the living room. In… Continue reading Dermaptera, WS A\D, MMT-8
Crazy covid times for everyone. For me it started with the cancellation of the SC Symposium (SuperCollider) and an 8 show tour in the Northeast with RM Francis. As a recently deemed ‘essential’ university IT state worker, I’ve been fortunate to remain employed, but many of my friends and peers have not been so lucky.… Continue reading cv19xs
2019 end, recent projects
Looking back at my list of projects outlined by my first post from last February I can see that I accomplished some things and others not. I finished the CORM piece, even if it didn’t turn out how I had originally envisioned. I did not decide the fate of my labels Gift Tapes or DRAFT,… Continue reading 2019 end, recent projects
2020 fade in
As I look to the coming year, I’m realizing I have many things in the works right now, and likely too much. There’s no danger in having an endless, constantly added to list of things to do and learn… but on occasion you are working within deadlines. In 2019 I have a hard deadline I’ve… Continue reading 2020 fade in
Lessons from CORM/future projects
Over this past summer I found myself very wrapped-up with the compositional process and tech behind CORM. Consequence of Recursive Memory was a piece I composed and presented with funding I received from the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture. I presented p_CORM (or what I dubbed an ‘iterative premix’ of the work)… Continue reading Lessons from CORM/future projects
CCRMA retreat and beyond
My trip to CCRMA was really good for me. It gave me a chance to focus on learning things I have a strong interest in, but tend not to prioritize. For me, making things always seems harder to justify than making music. But finding a way to frame going that applies to my job was… Continue reading CCRMA retreat and beyond
configs / proxyspace tests
My time in the studio has been a bit inconsistent recently with visitors in town and work on the farm (no shit). And when I do get in the studio my focus can be a bit divided between many things, which is sometimes productive, sometimes infuriating, and hopefully usually at least informative. For a few… Continue reading configs / proxyspace tests
AIs, deepfakes, vox avatars
This stuff is the stuff of dreams and a subset of contemporary reality. I’m interested, but tend to keep my distance with engaging with new tech too heavily until there’s a solid reason too; life is already full of enough tech to occupy my free time. But my next project CORM does seem to necessitate… Continue reading AIs, deepfakes, vox avatars
SDI experiments, sysex, CCRMA
Earlier in the month I had a few days of free time and began experimenting with gear in search of process to put to use for creating a new Spare Death Icon record. Its been nearly a decade since my last SDI album, and where my music tech skills have certainly advanced, my skills composing… Continue reading SDI experiments, sysex, CCRMA