configs / proxyspace tests

My time in the studio has been a bit inconsistent recently with visitors in town and work on the farm (no shit). And when I do get in the studio my focus can be a bit divided between many things, which is sometimes productive, sometimes infuriating, and hopefully usually at least informative.

For a few hours, I worked with supercollider, editing setup files which specify various server settings, hardware interfaces, MIDI interfaces and paths to files – like a sample folder. Ultimately, I’ll be able to simply comment out unneeded code for various live setups – MBP/portable midi interface/rack synth or Pi with USB Streamer > Expert Sleepers ES-3 for modular control or PC-Linux box/audio interface> ADAT/MIDI out to ES-3/rack synth… etc. I’ve also been using proxyspace as suggested by the co34pt live code tutorial, and have been modifying some of my modular control synthdefs to fit this workflow. This has of course brought about multiple ideas, but I also have deeper understanding of SC now, which is making me consider digging a little deeper into alternative methods of sequencing pitch for instance. It’s been a bit of a trial and error process, but I can successfully run 3 modular voices, 2 rack synths via MIDI with sysex parameter changes, and supercollider sequencing/manipulating sample files. And honestly, I’m almost certain that things I begin to add in realtime voice processing, machine listening, custom physical controllers, and ambisonics, that it will run it smoothly too. And once I can do all that on a stripped down Linux machine or Pi or cluster, networked… then I’ll call it good.

Here’s a clip of an FM snare sound I created on the modular and manipulated in Supercollider adjusting sequencing parameters in SC in realtime.

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