As I look to the coming year, I’m realizing I have many things in the works right now, and likely too much. There’s no danger in having an endless, constantly added to list of things to do and learn… but on occasion you are working within deadlines. In 2019 I have a hard deadline I’ve… Continue reading 2020 fade in
Tag: sdi
SDI experiments, sysex, CCRMA
Earlier in the month I had a few days of free time and began experimenting with gear in search of process to put to use for creating a new Spare Death Icon record. Its been nearly a decade since my last SDI album, and where my music tech skills have certainly advanced, my skills composing… Continue reading SDI experiments, sysex, CCRMA
current projects: C.O.R.M.Consequence of Recursive Memory is a composition for voice/computer that employs prepared texts spoken by the performer in dialogue with a computer as a framework to observe recursion within human memory. The computer responds to text spoken by the performer, using statistical analysis to model increasingly complex responses articulated by means of rudimentary… Continue reading intro..::